Our services, your wellness.
After decades of research and a workable chiropractic technology complemented with the perfect nutrition practices, we are happy to give you the treatment and results you deserve.
Unwinding Chiropractic is unique technology in the profession. [Technology = a methodology of doing something which has it's own basic principles, followed to produce a desired effect.]
It very simply produces consistent and predictable results!
Unwinding is based on a tremendous amount of research, involving the full evaluation of all pre-existing technologies, performing before and after X-rays (while sitting and standing), and the ultimate discovery of what is the fundamental basis of all on-going structurally caused Chronic Body pain. From this discovery, comes a completely different way of assessing a patient, and treating them in a clinic setting, to produce instant improvement in posture, easier fuller breathing, and often a great alleviation of pain from the very start. From the mind of a civil engineer turned Chiropractor, comes the new, revolutionary way to think, treat, and advise patients concerning their structural health. Chronic pain will fade away, and a level of health, not-before-thought achievable will be accomplished.